Thursday, November 12, 2009

Down below - and even further down.

The first few items have been crossed off the list. The ceiling was off once again to install the coachroof winch. Also, a new light spot has been added over the new sink I installed last year. The old light fixture is still there but it no longer contains a bulb as it's in a bad location and is never used owing to this.

Next item was the diesel tank. It got ruptured when we filled it last spring, so will get repaired by the original builder. They assured me heat welding PE is possible after being used, so we got lucky there. It also provides the opportunity to clean it out as I may have had a slight bacteria infestation two years ago.

While the tank is out, I've refitted the shore power installation. The wires run underneath the floorboards and with the tank out, getting at them is easy. The short in the circuitry is now gone and the wires neatly suspended from beams etc. Also, all the junction boxes have been made water tight - they were not.

I spent a dreadful two hours repairing the Henderson pump next to the loo. I'll not go into it too much. Suffice it to say I'll not be planning on doing that anytime soon. And I'll always stress proper usage of the toilet with any crew.

Next up is the mast top: weather permitting, I'll get up there and replace the wind instrument rotavecta as well as the wiring for the navigation lights. I should have done the wiring when the mast was down 4 years ago. One never anticipates enough the things that will break down. The wiring has been faulty for over a year, so it's about time I did something about it. I am also replacing the masthead anchor light with an LED to reduce consumption while at anchor.