All is now ready for the cold of winter. I was a bit too optimistic taking the alternator out. I thought it would only be a week or two before I got a new one in. But things are always more complex than you can imagine.
So in the end, I won't be buying a new alternator as this would introduce a point of failure into the system. The engine is only designed for a 40 Amp alternator and I already have a 35 Amp one. So putting in a heavier one would put a lot of strain on the belt. And since I can't easily set up a two belt system, I will now put in a smart alternator regulator. This will charge the batteries much faster. This is very necessary since the alternator with the normal regulator charges quite slowly.
And since I've decided to put in an extra service battery, I might need the faster charging sooner rather than later. This will bring the total to 360 Ah service and 105 Ah start battery. With 350 Watts of solar power, the electric system should hold out under normal running load with the fridge on.
So now the cabling is in place, only the new battery box has to be installed next to the diesel tank. I'll have to put in some safety so any problem with the starter battery doesn't affect the tank.
Next item is wind propulsion. I'm having UV strips on the genoa upgraded. Next on the list is the main sail, where a new one will have to be made. I'm still not sure what to do with the Genoa 3, perhaps it'll go on the cutter stay but then I will lose the ability to furl that one. It has served well as a heavy weather sail- up to F8. But perhaps I'll need a high aspect jib as a replacement.
So much to decide, and the sprayhood is in the process of renewal as well. Once all sails and engine are ready, it's only additions I'll be needing. The arch for the solar panels will get welded, and the list right now gets shorter in a faster rate than new items are added.
So that's good. Six months to go, and we're still on schedule. Once everybody is at it on sails, sprayhood and arch, it's time for some R&R, two weeks of skiing in France. It'll be well deserved.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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