Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sometimes in life you get lucky. It happened to me yesterday, when we were motoring in dead calm from Gomera to Tenerife. I spotted a large group of whales right in front of the boat. We'd been snorkeling at noon in a bay off Gomera and so it took 2 minutes to stop the boat, don the gear and dive in.

It was a group of about 20 pilot whales, Globicephala melas, with some three young. They were sleeping or resting so it was easy to swim among them. I could see them perfectly in the crystal clear water with the sun filtering through. I managed to stay with one group while another smaller group dove a couple of meters. When the others turned around, I positioned myself in front of them so about eight of them swam past me at less than one meter. Had I wanted to, I could have touched them.

They were swimming in pairs or threes, beneath me, next to me on both sides, sometimes turning slowly. They didn't bother with me or check out what I was,being, after all, less than half their size.

swimming with whales

The person on the right in the picture is me, before the group on the left catches up with me.

So, was this a life altering experience? Let's say it was very relaxing and I was very relaxed observing the whales, never feeling any kind of anxiety or fear. I didn't go too close to the young, even though it might not have been dangerous doing so. The tranquilness of swimming with these cetaceans is something I'll never forget. Humans aren't sea animals, but to get the opportunity to swim this close to large friendly whales is a once in a lifetime thing.

To do it from my own boat on this journey, I now profoundly and fully appreciate all that's made me be here now.

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