Monday, January 10, 2011

Lagoon Mud

After a week in Prickly Bay, I got out of my relaxation mode and got around to explore some of Grenada's sights. I went to visit St. George's after we got into Port Louis in the Lagoon. We also booked a guide for a visit to the Grand Etang rain forest. So on Friday January 8, we took a bus up into the mountains and spent 4 hours trudging through the tropical forest. The guide was a 71-year old lovely man called Telfa Bedeau. He knows all about the rain forest and its plants and animals, and showed us in an exquisite way how to not kill yourself while getting a good look at them.

We had a good 20 minutes of drenching rain at the start of the hike, in which time Telfa cut us some good bamboo walking sticks. After that, we walked around the old crater where a lot of damage from hurricane Ivan was still visible.


Then we walked through the crater and across the two streams that now drain the once vast crater lake. Later on, we walked across to the other crater to the lake which gives the Grand Etang park its name. This is a bit less jungly with a wide road down to the lake edge. We saw some monkeys next to the road on our way there.


After lunching together with our guide, we took the bus back down to the Annandale Falls along the road to St. George's. This is a very scenic waterfall with a small botanical garden surrounding it. Spencer and I jumped in the water which was nice and fresh after a rough forest walk.

When our friends Peter and Annelies arrived on Saturday, we upped anchor in the Lagoon to head for True Blue Bay, which is closer to the airport and a nice marina. But we had to shove spadefuls of black mud from anchors and chain and we had to clean the boat for two hours to get everything off, as the mud clung to everything. A very nice anchorage but with a bit of a sting in its tail.

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