Sunday, February 27, 2011

The shark and the turtle

Yesterday when we were snorkeling Pigeon bay in the nature reserve, a giant loggerhead turtle surfaced just behind the boat. We dove as it did and tried to follow it, and I noticed two small sharks hiding underneath the turtle.

At first I couldn't believe it, but as the turtle reached the bottom, the sharks repositioned themselves for a brief moment so I could get a good look at them. The depth was only 5 meters so visibility was excellent.

The turtle of about 120 cm long then started swimming lazily so I could keep up with it for about 100 meters until it sped up, the two sharks still underneath and keeping up at the same pace.

I don't generally regret not being able to take pictures under water, but this was such an opportunity, it was a shame I couldn't.

Although sharks and turtles are generally not friendly, I witnessed a wonderful example of a giant loggerhead serving as hiding place for two small sharks. Ocean life never ceases to amaze.

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